Monday, February 9, 2009

All Handphone/mobilephone Hacking

Hack Handphone With BlueJack
If your handphone or ponsel support java program ( j2me ) and bluetooth support. You can use it to hack another phone which is also have bluetooth connection … Hack which can be done here is called bluejack …. Bluejack is hack another ponsel by sending a message to them …. so they can read your message but they don’t know who has sent messages … Of course the victim ponsel must have bluetooth on and your ponsel too

How to build a river gauge. How to make a RiverSpy2 monitoring system with siemen S35
The phone that I used is an old Siemens M35, but I think that the command set is the same for all of the M,C and S 25 and 35 phones. The phone does not contain its own battery. (The batteries in those phones were fairly bad anyway) Instead it runs from a supply taken from the 12V battery via a dc-dc converter.

SMS Remote Control
With this circuit we can controll up to 8 devices (4 devices in our example project), by sending a specific SMS message with any mobile phone. Its very usefull at the cases that, at the place we have the devices, we have not a wired telephone l

Room spy using Handphone and PIC16F84. Translate to English
Is a detective tool is a tool that can listen to the condition of a room. But because this tool using mobile phones, so we can listen to the condition of a room located in remote areas.


  1. My life was falling apart, I was being cheated and abused, I had to know the truth and needed proof. i saw a recommendation about a private investigator by a friend. i contacted them and they took care of my needs. they hacked his iphone and gave me all information in his facebook,instagram, Whatsapp, twitter and email account. I got all I wanted as proof . I am glad i had a proven truth he was cheating . Contact them if you need help.
